What do you call a bunch of stars in the same place? No, not the Oscars — we’re talking about star clusters, groupings of...
Forbes: eQuinox is “best telescope for city dwellers”
Forbes conducted a thorough review of the new Unistellar eVscope eQuinox and said it is “a fundamentally modern rethinking...
Observe Celestial Objects in Cygnus the Swan
The Perseids aren’t the only meteor shower in town this August — it’s also time for the Kappa Cygnids! Peaking August 18,...
Financial Times deems eQuinox “a revelation”
The Financial Times (FT), one of the world’s leading news organizations, recognized internationally for its authority,...
Catch the Best Meteor Shower of the Year Along With Colorful Stars and Nebulae
The most active meteor shower, known as the Perseid meteor shower, is happening above observers in the Northern Hemisphere....
Cross-Atlantic Planet Hunting
What do you do when the exoplanet transit you’re observing falls out of sight halfway through? Unistellar citizen astronomer...
Join our August Exoplanet Citizen Science Campaign!
Get to know August’s Roundup of Exoplanets Join us this month to observe exoplanet candidates across the world! All of them...
Take on an Olympic Night-Sky Observing Challenge
Athletes from around the world are gathering this week to compete in the most difficult events of their careers at the...
A new comet was...
Consumers Will See Space in a New Light Thanks to Unistellar-Nikon Collaboration
MARSEILLE AND TOKYO – July 7, 2021 Since the beginning of time, humans have observed the night sky with awe and wonder and...