On September 26, 2022, a NASA spacecraft will crash into an asteroid. It’s no accident: Scientists are testing out a method of planetary defense that could...
DART vs Don’t Look Up
If a massive comet was headed straight toward the Earth, could we stop it in time to save humanity? It’s a theme that’s been explored in more than one...
Your Observations of NASA’s Asteroid-Impacting DART Mission Are Needed
On September 26, NASA will crash a spacecraft into an asteroid to test humanity’s ability to defend itself against a potential impact. It’s a big moment...
DART: What is Planetary Defense?
We think of outer space as mostly that: space. But as our planet travels along its orbit, it’s hit by around one hundred tons of interplanetary material every...
New Moon Discovered During Unistellar Observing Campaign
Sometimes all it...
Catch Near-Earth Asteroid Ra-Shalom as it Speeds By Our Planet
This August and September, a Near-Earth Asteroid will be crossing our planet’s path, shining brightly in the night sky. 2100 Ra-Shalom will be visible to...
Join a Three Day Exoplanet Hunt This August
Citizen Astronomers around the world will have another chance to spot and confirm the existence of a brand new exoplanet this August. But they’ll need a...
An Intercontinental Planet Observation Could Reveal New Insights Into a Distant World
This blog, first...
Asteroid Palmys May Be Hiding a Secret Twin. Help Us Find Out!
On July 28th,...
Look Up and Find the Beautiful Comet K2 Tonight
There’s a remarkable...