The latest Unistellar App Update, version V3.0, is now live. Explore a smooth stargazing experience !
Unistellar Community Included In Multiple Scientific Papers
Did you know Unistellar Citizen Astronomers are often cited in published scientific papers? Find out how you can contribute too!
Neues Update der Unistellar-App: Version 3.0
The latest Unistellar App Update, version V3.0, is now live. Explore a smooth stargazing experience
Halloween Observing Guide: Spooky Deep-Sky Objects
These Halloween deep-sky objects will add some light to those dark, spooky nights. Treats, tricks, and telescopes await!
Fall Into Cygnus and More With September Deep-Sky Objects
Unistellar’s September targets include a bevy of star clusters and nebulae of all sorts. Celebrate stars in all stages of life this month!
See Newfound Comet Nishimura Before it’s Too Late!
Catch newly discovered comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) before it flies too close to the Sun and potentially disintegrates!
What is the Difference Between a Comet and an Asteroid?
There are countless comets and asteroids swirling about in space. But what makes them different from each other?
Let‘s Get Together: Gemeinsam mit Unistellar den Schweif des Kometen C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) sichtbar machen
Der Weltraum lebt – etwa durch den neu entdeckten hellgrünen Kometen C/2023 E1 (ATLAS)! Machen Sie mit bei unserer Community-Kampagne „Superbild“, um den schwach leuchtenden Schweif des Kometen sichtbar zu machen.
See a Newly Discovered Comet’s Green Glow
A newly discovered comet is heading our way! Catch comet C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) to witness its green glow and help astronomers study its activity.
What to Observe this July: Find Star Clusters Galore!
Observers in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres have a bounty of star clusters and more to find in the night sky this July.