Nikon High
Precision Optics

Pioneering smart telescope technology
As a trade-off for their superior quality, mirror telescopes need to have their mirrors carefully and manually aligned on a regular basis to achieve the best possible image quality. Non-specialists may find them complex to use. With Nikon High Precision Optics, UNISTELLAR makes it possible for anyone to use mirror telescopes like a pro. The Pleiades cluster comes into sharp focus when using Odyssey telescopes, making astronomical observation a simple, easy experience.
How does it work?
Nikon High Precision Optics uses a high-tech process to seal the mirrors in the optical tube. This technology guarantees that the mirrors and the optical tube will always be perfectly aligned, regardless of temperature changes or vibrations the telescope experiences while being transported.
This makes UNISTELLAR telescopes the first of their kind to have mirrors that do not need to be adjusted. Of course, there are telescopes that don’t require adjustments, whose optics are comprised of lenses. Such telescopes generally have the disadvantage of focusing light less effectively and producing blurred images, often with iridescent outlines.

With this innovation, UNISTELLAR facilitates perfect focusing and light reflection, crucial for superior observation of infinitely distant objects that emit a very weak light signal.
UNISTELLAR uses high-quality parabolic mirrors made from technical glass with aluminum coating. The 82mm primary mirror of the Odyssey telescopes offers excellent performance in terms of resolution. Additionally, the short focal length allows for an incredibly compact telescope size for this level of observation quality.
Browse our technologies
Are you tired of only seeing bright dots when observing the night sky through your standard telescope?
Would you like to see the cloudy colorful Nebulaes ? The wonderful shapes and details of Galaxies ? Its sounds impossible but that’s exactly what UNISTELLAR Technologies offer.
Dynamic Signal Amplification
Instantly amplifies the incoming light signal from celestial objects by stacking and processing short exposures in real time.
Deep Dark Technology
Automatically filters out interference from city lights that would otherwise inhibit the digital sensors from picking up the signals from sky objects.
Nikon Eyepiece Technology
Provides breathtaking observation quality through a sophisticated lens assembly with OLED micro-display technology for ultra-high contrast.